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Benchball Society

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About Us

Cast your mind back to primary school, what was THE sport? Benchball. If it wasn't, you went to the wrong school. Luckily, you can right that wrong right now, or throw it back to the good old days with Exeter Benchball Society. We are a friendly, inclusive and non-competitive club which prided itself in being fun and accessible, with both alcohol and sober based socials. 

We are one of the most affordable sports societies on campus at only £30 for the whole year. With your membership fee, you'll receive weekly socials, training sessions four times a week, affordable stash and access to the best society on campus with! At least once a term we host internal tournaments, along with visits to other Universities (previously included Bournemouth and Birmingham) as well as the prestigious annual Benchball Varsity, which we have been champions for the last two years running! 

Essentially - we would love for you to join our benchball family! 

We have FOUR taster sessions running during Welcome Week so everyone can have a go at playing Benchball before they get a membership! Please only attend one taster session to make sure as many people as possible can get a ticket. We ask you wear appropriate clothing and bring a water bottle to stay hydrated. All tickets will go live on FIXR on MONDAY 2ND SEPTEMBER AT 12PM so get them as soon as possible to get the time and date best suited to you! 

  • Wednesday 18th September 7-8pm 
  • Thursday 19th September 10-11am
  • Sunday 22nd September 3-4pm 
  • Sunday 22nd September 4-5pm

The 2024-25 academic year term 1 and 2 sessions will be running every week on:

  • Tuesday's 4-5pm in the Sports Hall (Sports Park, EX4 4QL)
  • Thursday's 6-7pm in the Covered Tennis Courts (Sports park, EX4, 4QN)
  • Friday's 7-9pm in the Covered Tennis Courts (Sports park, EX4, 4QN)

To get regular updates on Welcome Week taster sessions, stalls, term-time sessions, socials, and balls, keep an eye on our Instagram and FIXR page which are linked on the 'EVENTS' tab of this page :)

Any questions? Still not sure what Benchball is all about or how to play it? Feel free to reach out and message us on our Instagram or email ( if you have any questions, we would love to hear from you and look forward to welcoming you to the family!! 💚

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